Saturday, March 26, 2011

When Daddy goes out of town...we get to work!

What a week!  Daddy was gone all week, so the boys and I decided to surprise daddy with a new office design because he works in Connor's room during the day.  So it is an office by day, Connor's room by night...we make it work!  The beginning of the week was gorgeous, spring weather, so after the painting was done we took a break from the office and spent a lot of time outside.  Connor and I decided it was time to start biking to the town center again.  We biked to Connor's school spirit dinner at Not Your Average Joe's on Tuesday evening.  All his classmates were so impressed that Connor arrived riding a two wheeler.  His teachers did a nice job of making it a big deal...Connor loved the extra attention.  Chase decided that he no longer will eat anything without ketchup if his brother has ketchup... ummm awesome.   The weather got a bit chilly midweek, so we finished the closet.  Connor helped decide what we put on the shelves and also was a very good babysitter.  Both boys also decided to dust of the wooden trains that have been untouched for a while and had a lot of fun making tracks and playing "choo choos" as Chase calls them.  Chase is very good at destroying the tracks that Connor works hard making.  Connor is very patient.  We also were able to visit with Aunt Andrea and Baby Keaton TWICE this week!  Baby Keaton is adorable and my boys love him!

Connor started tball last weekend, but I didn't have my camera.  His new team is called the Owlz and he is really excited about the season.  Chase is still in Little Gym every Friday with his bestfriend's Jake, Emelia, and Caden.  He is very much a mama's boy and still climbs into my arms during every group activity.  He is scared to death of the moon bounce and parachute.  The funny thing about Chase is that if you take him outside in our neighborhood...he will play right along with all the big boys, but he is clingy around the Little Gym tots.  He can often be seen charging down our sidewalk, light saber in hand, a few yards behind the big boys.  We had a new neighbor move in a few weeks ago.  They have a 18 month old boy, so now Chase has two pals his age (within weeks literally).  Connor has a group of four boys around his age...they are almost always playing with a nerf sword or light sabor in hand...or they stick the sword down the back of their shirt (He-man style).

Life with my boys is a blessing.  Enjoy the pictures!  XO-LP

Connor's Daddy's Office during the day.
Cool magnet/pin boards...I still need to put a few more family pics up.

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Of course there is a soccer shelf...note the Mia Hamm autographed ball!

No office at night!

My best helper!

I did Ryan's closet in February when he went out of town for a few days.  I get stuff done when he goes out of town!

I rediscovered a Mickey Mouse pancake mold...this has now become a top requested breakfast item in our house. 

Chase was caught not just playing in the potted plant dirt...but throwing the dirt!  He did not like having a "time out" in his high chair, facing a wall...and he has not touched it since...fingers crossed!

Spirit Dinner - Ketchup fun.

Baby Keaton came for a visit.

Chase kept saying, "Baby," and giving him kisses.

Enjoying the nice weather ninja turtle style.

Biking to the town center.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Green or Orange & Blue?

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  We had a day full of GREEN.  Nobody in this house got pinched...well except Daddy who came down to breakfast in royal blue shorts, a royal blue shirt, and a royal blue fleece...what was he thinking?  O'Daddy he was not.  My boys started their day with green eggs, kiwi, and Green Goodness juice.  It was a surprise for Connor and I was excited to see his reaction.  After shooing him away several times I finally called him to his seat.  He sat down in his chair and shouted, "Yuck, green eggs?!"  Chase, on the other hand, shoveled the green eggs in as fast as he could, and I cooked Connor a normal egg.  :)  St. Patrick shined on Northern VA today...a sunny 65.  We spent a lot of time outside on the GREEN grass.  Here are some pictures from our fun day.  Now I am off to pour Connor some green milk...I bet he will like that more than the eggs. :) Bucknell is in the NCAA tournament tonight...'Ray BUCKNELL!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

From Facebook to a Blog...will it work?

I have decided to try blogging.  I enjoyed Facebook, but really love life without.  The only part of Facebook I really miss is sharing my boys with family and close friends.  I hope to use this blog to share pictures, crazy events, and keep you entertained with my life as a stay-at-home-mom raising two little boys. Maybe this will even be a way to keep a journal of Connor and Chase's early years and someday I can share it with them...or as they grow up surrounded by iPads and laptops and internet...they will come across this blog on their own...and remember their early days.  I can't promise proper grammar or perfect spelling, but I can promise some laughs.  As they say in Pittsburgh..."Here We Go!"